
Tell us your favorite B-Main slogan

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The B-Main team - before their bodies got beat all to he!!

Use the comment form below to tell us which is your favorite, or suggest your own. If we like it, we'll add it our list. Who knows? Your suggestion may show up on a T-shirt or sticker someday. But we'll be taking full credit for it, of course.

B-Main Motorsports likes:
    Following the leaders. Leading the middle of the pack. On the cutting edge of mediocrity. World's fastest losers. Looking for the bump up.
      "Just checkin' your rear bumper." --Magee
        "I always liked....'Draggin' a brick!' or, our own 'Team Mediocre..... Just Good Enuff!!!!!'" -- Wes Wood
          "There's no place like last place." -- Jason Boulanger
            "B-Main Superstars. Lapped by the Best." --Jason Boulanger
              "Our Transponders Fell Out." --Pearce
                "I would have run faster BUT I still had ti**ies on my mind!!"--MoMo
                  "Speed costs. How fast do you want to go?"--Kevin Stephenson
                    "I was sand bagging"--butwhite
                          Thanks to everyone for sending in quotes! Keep 'em coming!


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